Monsters tend to outgrow their leashes
Musicians are the best people; hanging around them can be exhilarating or exasperating, but it's never boring
It's time for the Congress to reinvent itself
In which the odds are even that Delhi will cooperate
A beginner's guide to tolerating tolerant intolerance
The BJP is transforming India into an absurdist wonderland
We need to put an adult in charge of the CBFC
The Bihar election result was that I discovered my inner troll
Scientists are going to use water isotopes tracer technology to see if the Ganga can in any way be connected to Mansarovar
A strong leader, known for his strong speeches, uses his communication skills to guide and heal. He does not wait for 10 days to comment, provoking a worried President to speak instead-not once, but t
We have to decide whether we're going to nurture freedom and art, or ban them bit by bit
There may always be unbridgeable belief gaps, but there will also always be the common belief that this is a country worth fighting about
Present-day India is the sort of ancient, proud, powerhouse society that could break down your door and kill you because it doesn't like the sound of your dinner
The call and response of communication assures you that you have been acknowledged and reacted to, but talking constructively is the most difficult thing in the world
After 40, getting into a romance is like batting your eyelashes at an approaching SUV before throwing yourself under its wheels
The Modi government's most cherished goal is a Hindu supremacist socio-cultural order, but its good-old-days instincts are dated
Ambition: damned if you do, damned if you don't
To pretend that parents don't have doubts, face negative feelings about their kids undermines the struggle they go through
The only thing worse than ISIS doing its thing in India, is not-ISIS doing the same thing in India. If the former is like a vicious infection, the latter is an autoimmune disease
This is just a brief reminder, dear fellow citizens, that none of us needs permission or sanction to be Indian, in whatever way we choose, as long as it doesn't break the law