Section 377 is a colonial relic of a law that makes it criminal to have "carnal intercourse against the order of nature"
Make no mistake: It is nothing short of extraordinary that you can walk into a polling station, check your name off a list, and vote
Whining helps you feel better when the world fails to meet your expectations
Halloween is not a traditional Indian festival
If you live in Delhi you can quit smoking, give up alcohol, go to bed early, exercise every day and eat right, but unless you also give up breathing, you can still get very sick
"What's for me to think about?" he said, with a tone designed to politely spear your heart
Our national talent for passing the buck is the product of a culture that penalises people for taking responsibility
Apparently a barn owlet will squawk less if it knows its sibling is hungrier, taking up its own cause only after its sibling has been fed