Business Standard

Mukul Sanwal

Mukul Sanwal

Mukul Sanwal

Mukul Sanwal

New Delhi G20 summit has changed the nature and scope of global dialogue

The common concern of nations is international fairness and justice, with Bharat playing a bridging role

New Delhi G20 summit has changed the nature and scope of global dialogue
Updated On : 15 Sep 2023 | 1:12 PM IST

Mukul Sanwal: Climate negotiations: what is at stake

The underlying issue is distribution, not scarcity, of a global natural resource

Updated On : 02 Dec 2015 | 9:49 PM IST

Mukul Sanwal: In (partial) defence of the IAS

Administration is an evolving process, requiring the civil service to constantly re-invent itself to meet new challenges. The administration must become accountable to the law of the land and to the p

Updated On : 13 Jun 2015 | 10:14 PM IST