he report said that readers in Surat, Bhubaneswar, Ernakulam, Vadodara and Visakhapatnam bought more books than readers in Indore, Raipur, Mysuru, Kanpur and Dehradun
Two of the most rewarding reads of 2015 were short story collections, as is one of the most interesting debuts by an Indian writer in 2016
The author lists some of the books to look forward to in India
India witnessed the first Internet death of an author, when the Tamil writer Perumal Murugan posted on his Facebook wall: "Author Perumal Murugan is dead."
The wide divide between those who read in Urdu and those who have not had the pleasure of knowing Urdu are perhaps at their sharpest with a writer like Naiyer Masud
John Le Carre: The Biography is a memoir written for writers and readers interested in writing as much as it speaks to those Le Carre fans obsessed with Cold War and post-Cold War politics
The controversy over the copyright on Anne Frank's diary comes at a point when copyright laws have been subject to intense debates
The Indian print book market is worth about Rs 26,000 crore, making it the sixth largest in the world
Marlon James' greatest skill as a writer is not just his ability to reproduce voices, dialogue, but the idea that you can only understand histories through multiple perspectives
It would be a mistake to assume that the fears and the anger that these writers express are not shared by a wider community - and yet in their responses, commentators from the right-wing displayed inc
Debates are over who owns history, what 'corrective' measures need to be taken, which roads, rulers, schools of history or undervalued artworks must be erased
Oliver Sacks, the neurologist and author who died this week, wrote evocatively of the human side of mental illness and the concept of empathy as a diagnostic tool