It was inevitable that Brexit should occur
Taxpayer profiles reveal worrisome characteristics
The department has revived publication of useful statistics
There is a wide gap between demand and supply in India
The UK, US and Europe provide at best mixed lessons for India
The Budget does not convince after reading between the lines
Ten thoughts on the coming year
Has the OECD's BEPS proposals asked too much from MNEs to counter global tax avoidance?
They require a high-high to low-low movement
In the last mile, many essential components of a robust goods and services tax have been shaved off
Demand for reparations for colonial exploitation does not take into consideration British social reforms or previous Indian practices
One cannot help ask why successive governments would try to push ahead with projects proffering disproportionate benefits to owners of capital & labour and taxing away owners of small land parcels
Govt measures to increase accessibility for the poor have not worked because they do not reflect market or field realities
The demand was not only not imperative for the income tax department, but it went against already arrived-upon understandings
Reform of the GDP series should address how to measure the correct extent of activity in the black economy
The real challenge is delivery
When the poor are taken into account, India's tax effort does not look that bad
To aid global rebalancing, China needs to reorient domestic policy from infrastructure to social spending
In spite of today's negatives and negativities, there is much to celebrate in the idea of India
The euro should steadily depreciate, and Europeans should tighten their belts