Business Standard

Pranab Bardhan

Pranab Bardhan

Pranab Bardhan

Page 2 - Pranab Bardhan

Inequality can be economically harmful, not just ethically distasteful

In the concluding part of the series, the author explores the variety of reasons why inequality can have serious inefficiency consequences

Inequality can be economically harmful, not just ethically distasteful
Updated On : 06 Sep 2019 | 9:21 AM IST

Small-town fiction in South India: We are not in Malgudi anymore

Pranab Bardhan selects three books to explain how the depiction in fiction today of life in small town India is far away from the ordered world of Malgudi

Small-town fiction in South India: We are not in Malgudi anymore
Updated On : 13 Jul 2019 | 11:25 PM IST

The Chinese governance system: Impressive strengths and appalling flaws

Chinese development model has produced a rapid pace of economic growth over the last three decades and lifted hundreds of millions of people above the poverty line

The Chinese governance system: Impressive strengths and appalling flaws
Updated On : 16 Feb 2019 | 9:06 PM IST