GE upset offers Asian buyers way into US kitchen
New Renault-Nissan pact is only roadside repair
LBO-style debt adds zing to Yum Brands break-up
Jobs in Japan outweigh recession-that-wasn't
Another reckoning looms for Sharp
Toshiba's overdue nuclear illumination is welcome
Yield and brand fuel Japan Post's IPO successes
Streamlining could help Toshiba regain lost value
Suzuki can clear capital roadblock with Volkswagen buyback
Toshiba crisis tightens the screws on Japan Inc
Toshiba crisis offers chance for sweeping overhaul
Trade halts add to China's Potemkin market problem
Asia's M&A boom leaves old guard in charge
AirAsia takes multi-stop route to capital-raising
Toyota's new hybrids should have stayed in the lab
BYD's electric dream is even racier than Tesla's
Japan's flood of foreign M&A hits Chinese blockage
Nokia could end up paying more for Alcatel
Hairy deals mean European animal spirits returning
Elliott's focus on Canon could pay off