We follow Narendra Modi and Manmohan Singh lookalikes this election season
As Rwanda marks two decades since its gory genocide in 1994, the world is recounting the lessons learnt -- and not learnt
Arun Jaitley and Amarinder Singh have begun their titanic clash in the holy city, opening old wounds in the process
Some eerie parallels between Vladimir Putin and Narendra Modi
Pradip Krishen's latest book is not just a chronicle of trees, but also a reminder that a part of the country is still shaped by nature
The colossus rendered yeoman service to the ideals of Punjabiyat and Sikhi more than anyone else
With Crimea voting to join Russia, will Russian-Tatar friction on the peninsula open a new Jihad front?
Wisdom tree
The current unfolding crisis in the peninsula brought back some happy childhood memories
Competitive politics over ex-servicemen will ensure such a structure in the months ahead
The recent coverage of the 'Leopard of Meerut' was shameful, to say the least
Is Narendra Modi's recent belligerence in Arunachal symptomatic of his future foreign policy?
An exhibition of photographs and paintings by two artists from South India aims to capture the very essence of Hola Mohalla, the Sikh festival that celebrates the community's martial art traditions
With Telangana all but solved, focus should now shift to the long-simmering Gorkhaland issue.
Pakistan's unique, tiny, polytheistic tribe has become the latest target of the Tehrik-e-Taliban
Our country is well and truly within the throes of a 'cultural emergency'
Recently, traces of Canine Distemper Virus, fatal for the big cats, were found in Indian reserves. The danger highlights the country's preparedness to protect the endangered animal from disease
50 years ago today, four young men from Liverpool crossed the Atlantic and began the 'British Invasion of America' (and the world). Five decades on, their magic grows with each passing day