Business Standard

Rajendran Narayanan

Rajendran Narayanan

Rajendran Narayanan

Rajendran Narayanan

Chakradhar Buddha & Rajendran Narayanan: Demonetising rural India

A cashless economy, at present, is a pipe dream in rural India

Chakradhar Buddha & Rajendran Narayanan: Demonetising rural India
Updated On : 07 Oct 2019 | 11:57 AM IST

Where has all the jobs data gone?

Given the rapid changes in the Indian labour market, there is an urgent need to have current, accurate and publicly available data through regular, dynamic and comprehensive surveys

Where has all the jobs data gone?
Updated On : 30 Jan 2019 | 11:48 PM IST

The baton of accountability in NREGA passes on

Timely payment is not merely a question of political or bureaucratic efficiency but that of life and death for those on the margins of subsistence

The baton of accountability in NREGA passes on
Updated On : 03 Dec 2017 | 2:09 AM IST

Sakina Dhorajiwala & Rajendran Narayanan: Rejected wage payments in MGNREGA

A wage payment to a labourer can be rejected for a variety of reasons, such as incorrect MIS entries and mismatch of names and bank account numbers

Sakina Dhorajiwala & Rajendran Narayanan: Rejected wage payments in MGNREGA
Updated On : 17 Sep 2016 | 11:45 PM IST