Business Standard

Alex Webb

Alex Webb

Alex Webb

Alex Webb

Trump's immigration ban: Google coordinates funding for legal fight

On Friday, a federal judge temporarily blocked the Trump administration from enforcing the ban

Trump's immigration ban: Google coordinates funding for legal fight
Updated On : 08 Feb 2017 | 12:54 AM IST

Gone in 2.39 seconds: Faraday claims Tesla-beating supercar

The startup electric-car maker is backed by Chinese billionaire Jia Yueting

Gone in 2.39 seconds: Faraday claims Tesla-beating supercar
Updated On : 05 Jan 2017 | 12:59 AM IST

The inside story of Apple's $14-bn tax bill

Maxforce concluded that Ireland allowed Apple to create stateless entities that effectively let it decide how much tax it pays

The inside story of Apple's $14-bn tax bill
Updated On : 17 Dec 2016 | 12:32 AM IST

Apple considers expansion with digital glasses

CEO Tim Cook is under pressure to deliver new products amid slowing sales of the iPhone, which accounts for two-thirds of Apple's revenue

Apple considers expansion with digital glasses
Updated On : 16 Nov 2016 | 12:26 AM IST

How Apple scaled back its titanic plan to take on Detroit

Apple's CEO Tim Cook once said the auto industry was "at an inflection point for massive change"

How Apple scaled back its titanic plan to take on Detroit
Updated On : 19 Oct 2016 | 12:02 AM IST

Alex Webb: Cheap and good: Apple's China problem

Rivals like Huawei and Xiaomi Corp. have developed their own products with similar specifications, while the relative success of the iPhone 6 has made it harder for Apple to sustain growth rates

Updated On : 25 Jul 2016 | 10:27 PM IST