One-time partners on Wall Street have uneasy prison reunion after insider trading trials
Roomy Khan, a key witness against Raj Rajaratnam, is struggling to find a new identity
On Wednesday, Thomas Hardin is scheduled to be sentenced for his role in the insider trading case involving Raj Rajaratnam and his now-defunct hedge fund, the Galleon Group
A five-year global study in financial services shows that women in Scandinavian nations, Canada and Russia have a better chance of rising to the top than women in the US
US attorney in Manhattan, called Adam Smith's cooperation in the case against Raj Rajaratnam "substantial and significant"
Once all his appeals are exhausted, Gupta is likely to owe Goldman about $50 million
John DiBacco testified that in late July 2011 he telephoned Adoboli while on vacation in Colorado and ordered him to cut the risk in his trading book