Business Standard

Ashwani Srivastava

Ashwani Srivastava

Ashwani Srivastava

Ashwani Srivastava

Power projects in a price maze

CERC's decisions on Adani, Tata and Reliance's UMPPs suggest that the principles for raising tariff should be linked to an indexed formula

Updated On : 16 May 2013 | 9:48 PM IST

Shale gas needs a Delphi exercise

This rich emerging source of gas has the potential to transform India's energy economy, but only if policy-making is closely coordinated between the various arms of govt and sector experts

Shale gas needs a Delphi exercise
Updated On : 22 Mar 2013 | 2:18 AM IST

Ashwani Srivastava: Renewed hope for alternative energy

The mandate to buy electricity from renewable sources is not as stringent or unworkable as is commonly assumed

Updated On : 02 Feb 2013 | 6:49 PM IST

Ashwani Srivastava: It's time for a PAT on the bottom line

The Perform, Achieve and Trade scheme can vastly improve energy efficiency in industry, provided the government creates an enabling framework and addresses potential barriers

Updated On : 02 Feb 2013 | 2:28 PM IST