Business Standard

Edward Niedermeyer

Edward Niedermeyer

Edward Niedermeyer

Edward Niedermeyer

Edward Niedermeyer: Google and Ford will disrupt Detroit together

The search-engine giant's ambition of challenging traditional auto ownership by pushing for driverless cars has found a worthy partner in an automaker, intent on securing an early position of relevanc

Updated On : 23 Dec 2015 | 9:53 PM IST

Edward Niedermeyer: Toyota bets $1 billion that Tesla is speeding

Self-driving cars, like the one Tesla is trying to build, may save lives. Yet car maker Toyota cautions that a driver lulled into complacency by the illusion of technologically-guaranteed safety is li

Updated On : 08 Nov 2015 | 11:16 PM IST

Edward Niedermeyer: You say you want an auto revolution?

Until consumers begin demanding fundamental changes in mobility, at least a few of the world's major automakers will survive - and possibly even help define - the new era of automotive technology

Updated On : 03 Jun 2015 | 10:48 PM IST

Edward Niedermeyer: Jaguar mistakes nostalgia for emotion

Jaguar is hoping consumers will be won over before they get to compare the new XE with its competition

Updated On : 18 Nov 2014 | 10:27 PM IST