Harsh Roongta is the founder of Fee Only Investment Advisers LLP a Sebi registered Investment advisory Firm. He is a Chartered Accountant by qualification (1983). A personal finance expert, he writes a fortnightly column “Truth be told” for Business Standard.
Harsh Roongta is the founder of Fee Only Investment Advisers LLP a Sebi registered Investment advisory Firm. He is a Chartered Accountant by qualification (1983). A personal finance expert, he writes a fortnightly column “Truth be told” for Business Standard.
A system that allows buyers to pay taxes directly to the government while paying would enhance trust, improve tax compliance, and accelerate tax collection
Employees must be allowed to pause or reduce ontributions, and the promised portability between EPF and NPS should be enabled
Truth be told, the government can also benefit from a successful variable PPP. If private-sector employees adopt it, government employees could follow
The reduction in TDS rates and rationalisation of TCS provisions are welcome steps
The inefficiency of current succession processes not only frustrates grieving families but also undermines the government's ease-of-living agenda
Many investors resist rolling return analysis, preferring specific-date comparisons, which are often skewed to favour certain narratives
New product poses a threat to the PMS industry by combining the advantages of both PMS and MF. Most PMS providers will apply for MF licences to offer new product
Investors must remember that past performance may not get repeated in the future. And any investment is worthwhile only if it suits an investor's risk profile
For Rekha, the absence of siblings and a strong bond with her parents simplified matters. Not all families are comfortable having such conversations
Laws like the Shops and Establishment Act should be emphasised in employee induction programmes. Companies must also provide accessible grievance redress mechanisms
Most of the 93 per cent, who rely on their own half-baked strategies or strategies rented from brokers, are sure to lose money in F&O trading
The DAP does not consider past I-T returns to match a taxpayer's resources with their expenditures or investments
The government needs to introduce competition between EPFO and NPS, and between ESIC and health insurance companies, while making contributions voluntary for low-paid workers
Tax relief should target pre-packaged term and health policies, ensuring availability to seniors and those with impaired health, thereby reducing their costs
The proposed simplification of the tax code offers a chance to instil accountability, following the model of the Public Service Guarantee Acts
When the government reintroduced taxation on listed equity in 2018, it took care to exempt capital gains accrued until the date of the 2018 budget
The administration of the income-tax department is in a poor shape today. Taxpayer appeals have piled up for the past five years with zero accountability by the tax department
While these MF products are not systemically important yet, data about them should be made public for academics and investors to do research and challenge incorrect conclusions
Keeping surplus money in the bank account has become risky. Bank employees sometimes target such money to mis-sell products
I reminded Meera that although Karan's parents had a large bungalow in his hometown, professional opportunities had brought them to Mumbai. Their children might behave similarly