Business Standard

Selina Wang

Selina Wang

Selina Wang

Selina Wang

How Alibaba turns shopaholics into a marketing squad

Public displays of loyalty from its most elite customers also could help Alibaba buff a reputation hurt by revelations

How Alibaba turns shopaholics into a marketing squad
Updated On : 19 Nov 2016 | 11:46 PM IST

The Chinese music app that wants to be the next Facebook has captured the imagination of Wall Street and Silicon Valley

The Chinese music app that wants to be the next Facebook
Updated On : 22 Oct 2016 | 11:02 PM IST
Updated On : 06 Oct 2016 | 12:27 AM IST

Selina Wang: Why Hong Kong has no billion-dollar start-ups

The dearth of 'unicorns' stems from a cultural norm that favours stable jobs in bedrock financial and real estate firms rather than risky, go-it-alone propositions. Also, businesses often targeted by

Updated On : 27 Jun 2016 | 5:30 PM IST