Six states hold the key to India realising the demographic dividend
Although the returns from outward-looking policies are less today, substantial gains can still be made with good policies and initiatives
The inconvenient truth is fairly straightforward. India is still a very populous and poor country
With progressive 'encadrement', the pipeline for good economists in government has broken and a reversal seems impossible
Ten reasons why we will find it difficult to revert to the high growth rate of previous years
A great deal needs to be done quickly & systematically if Myanmar is to realise its potential for agricultural growth
Now, with the election won, Ms Suu Kyi and the NLD face the challenge of successfully managing the transition to democracy
The crisis two years ago was in the making for several years
There is a sense of drift in economic policy
The most important global economic and political trends and events since 1965
The 10 biggest policy mistakes of the past that have yet to be dealt with
The Modi government's first year was certainly better in terms of economic policy initiatives than any of the 10 under the previous government
The puzzle regarding the new estimates of national income and growth is a strictly 'made-in-CSO' conundrum
Eventually, Budget's grade will depend upon implementation
The four areas that the Narendra Modi government should focus on in its 'first real Budget'
Given global and local economic stresses, the outlook for India is not a resounding vindication of 'acche din'
If the government pursues three politically inspired goals - more jobs, less inflation and better public services - it will also likely have made good economic policy
A preliminary stocktaking of the Narendra Modi-led government
The success of the government will depend substantially on the quality of its team of key ministers, officials and advisors
What should replace the Planning Commission?