We need to make start-ups, instead of small businesses, part of the priority sector
The politician-conman link serves to show Ponzi scheme depositors that they're insured
Indians' distaste for the police means even good people in the system can't do much
In India crimes matter less than exactly who commits them
The FM’s primary task is to restore confidence in India and its government among investors
The results of a study in Delhi on replacing the public distribution system with cash transfers
Allowing FDI in retail is a step towards letting states decide for themselves on economic matters
UID can shift focus from the government's functioning to the intended beneficiaries and ease of access
The nuanced US reaction to Rajat Gupta's fall shows greater maturity than the extremes we go to in India
Cashless transactions save money and are easy to monitor. RBI and govt must help them reach critical mass
The BJP's focus on targeting the PM and stalling Parliament won't help solve India's resource distribution problem
Targeted welfare, rather than universal benefits, is what perpetuates corruption
College entrance exams should test for potential, not achievement, or it risks dividing society further
Four-year degrees are a good idea - if they allow students more time to decide what they want to do
It's a word that everyone uses, even though its definition is fuzzy
Arguments against auctioning natural resources slip up on some basic economic truths
Mandatory spending on corporate social responsibility does not fit in a market-driven society