In 2011, the total number of children in the age-group 0-6 years is reported as 158.79 mn which is down by 3.1% vs population in 2001
Cancellation followed fingers being pointed at foreign funded NGOs as being responsible for the various protest movements in the country
About 50,000 villagers demanding land for housing and farming have been walking from Gwalior to Delhi
Shanta Kumar also asked for an inquiry into a property owned by Priyanka Gandhi in Himachal Pradesh
Backs activists and says he was let down by opposition and govt when he wanted to pass the order
The National Floor Level Minimum Wage at present is Rs 115 but states continue to have minimum wages that are much lower
Calls for better dialogue between workers, employers to prevent and resolve conflicts
Says it has already implemented 7 AERB recommendations
The yatra as it is funded totally by the Swiss Government and the Bill and Milinda Gates Foundation
Requires consent from only two-thirds of the landowners compared to 80% earlier
A protein- and Vitamin A-deficient nation where food quality is worse than that of Myanmar and Srilanka
Q&A with Union Rural Development Minister
Interview with Union Rural Development Minister
Definitions of employee & employer are being broadbased to include contract labour who has worked for more than 240 days in a year
Kingfisher workers who have been denied salaries for the last six months have not organised themselves into a union
A yatra from Gwalior to Delhi by 50,000 villagers is demanding land for the landless
Interview with Indian politician and social activist
Baromas, a film depicting the plight of a family in Vidarbha, offers a refreshing insight into a region known only for its farmer suicides