As the year draws to a close, it's time to name the companies, politicians and corporate emperors caught out looking distinctly undressed
North Korea's hack of Sony Pictures has exposed a disturbing lack of cyber-preparedness on Sony's part. But the internal dysfunction in the Japanese company points to a much wider problem
While the South Korean giant has moved its resources from smartphones to more promising initiatives, Sony - the creator of the world-changing Walkman - still does not have a global answer
Until President Xi Jinping addresses China's structural weaknesses, foreign investors will have good reason to steer clear of the equities on offer in Shanghai
Reliance on monetary easing to prop up growth is clearly dangerous. Too much liquidity chasing too little demand for credit and too few productive investments can only lead to fresh bubbles in a world
The leaders of China and Japan will find economic imperatives do not trump deeper fears and frictions
The US shouldn't just support China's $50-billion Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, but seek to join it. The best way to influence the bank's lending behaviour is from within the tent, not outside
Much as Barack Obama often succeeds by stepping back and letting the Republicans trip over their own ideological militancy, the popular Joko Widodo might want to let his enemies score some own goals
The US survived Japan's vanity shopping spree in the 1980s, but a Chinese wave of overseas investment is likely to be far more disruptive and unsettling
If Beijing continues to erode the liberties and institutions that have made Hong Kong such a great place to do business, multinationals aren't suddenly going to shift base to Shanghai
An antitrust crackdown on foreign firms has raised fears that China is trying to hobble Western firms in favour of local competitors
China may soon face the dilemma Japan did in 1997, when 100-year-old Yamaichi Securities Co collapsed and threatened to turn the Asian Financial Crisis into a global meltdown
The country's aggregate financing was just $44.4 bn in July - the lowest monthly reading since late 2008
The RBI is independent & Governor Rajan, a respected University of Chicago professor, is no pawn
It's time the US, Japan, Germany, France, the UK, Italy and Canada stepped out of their nostalgic cocoon and welcomed China into the ultimate members-only club
Although publicly funded like PBS in US, NHK plays a far more dominant role in shaping Japan's national culture, character and public opinion
Shinzo Abe's failure to flesh out even just one of the many epochal reforms he's promised has exposed last year's stock surge as a bubble