After helping frame a Union Budget for the last time, Shaktikanta Das, economic affairs secretary, spoke at length on a number of issues to Arup Roychoudhury & Indivjal Dhasmana. Edited excerpts:
The Chief Statistician's advance estimates, released last month, did not account for demonetisation. Did you base your revised 2016-17 estimates and 2017-18 budgeted estimates on that or did you account for the note ban to provide a clearer picture?
The Central Statistics Office's (CSO's) earlier nominal Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth for 2016-17 was 11.5 per cent. We have assumed nominal GDP growth at 11 per cent. For next year
The Central Statistics Office's (CSO's) earlier nominal Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth for 2016-17 was 11.5 per cent. We have assumed nominal GDP growth at 11 per cent. For next year