An Air India flight bound for Delhi was forced to make an emergency landing in Bengaluru after one of its engines failed midair, airport sources confirmed with news agency PTI on Tuesday. The incident took place on Sunday evening, with flight AI 2820 taking off from Kempegowda International Airport around 7 pm.
Approximately one hour into the journey, the aircraft experienced engine trouble and circled over Bengaluru before returning safely to the airport. Despite the technical malfunction, all passengers on board were unharmed.
The source reportedly said that while the precise technical details of the engine failure were not yet available and the flight crew managed the situation effectively. "It happened day before yesterday. We don't have the technical details, but the flight made an emergency landing," they said.
Emergency protocols were promptly enacted, ensuring the aircraft’s safe return. The airline is expected to launch an investigation to determine the cause of the engine failure.