Amazon India has announced its inaugural Black Friday event, running from November 29 to December 2. A hugely celebrated event globally, Amazon India’s first-ever Black Friday event will feature deals on brands including Apple, Samsung, Sony, Nike, Calvin Klein, Adidas, Tommy Hilfiger, Panasonic, Jean Paul, Dabur, LG, ALDO, Swarovski, and more across electronics, appliances, fashion, and beauty categories.
“The record-breaking success of Amazon Great Indian Festival 2024 showed the huge appetite that Indian customers have for great value. Now, we’re raising the bar by bringing Amazon’s popular shopping event globally, Black Friday, to India for the first time ever on, with savings across electronics, beauty, home appliances, and décor from both Indian and international brands. This marks another milestone in our commitment to delivering exceptional value and shopping experience to customers across all categories,” said Saurabh Srivastava, Vice-President, Categories, Amazon India.
Customers can get a 10 per cent instant discount with HDFC, IndusInd, BOB Card, and HSBC bank Debit and Credit Cards and Credit EMI. For the Black Friday Sale, Prime members will be eligible to get unlimited 5 per cent cashback on all purchases using Amazon co-branded credit cards, while non-Prime members will receive 3 per cent cashback. Prime members can also get early access to special shopping events, including Prime Day.
There will be 40-75 per cent off on mobiles, electronics, and accessories. These include products such as Samsung Galaxy Buds, Amazfit Active 42mm AMOLED Smart Watch, Apple MacBook Air Laptop, and Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra.
There will be up to 65 per cent off on appliances. These include Panasonic 1.5 Ton 3 Star Wi-Fi Inverter Smart Split AC, LG 7 Kg Fully-Automatic Front Load Washing Machine, and Samsung 653 L Convertible 5-in-1 AI-enabled Smart Refrigerator.
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Amazon said there will be 40-70 per cent off on luggage, handbags, and luxury brands. These include products such as Jean Paul Gaultier Le Beau Paradise Garden Unisex Liquid Eau De Parfum 125ml and Tommy Hilfiger Joshua 21L Black Laptop Backpack.
Amazon is also offering deals on products such as Sony PlayStation and Xiaomi Smart LED TV.
Black Friday, an American retail tradition, has firmly cemented its place in the Indian market as a major e-commerce sales event. Last year, consumers extended their post-Diwali shopping spree to benefit from Black Friday and related sales like Cyber Monday. There was a sharp 23 per cent increase in e-commerce order volumes compared to the Black Friday sale weekend of 2022, according to e-commerce tech firm Unicommerce. The sales and discounts were available both online and offline for Black Friday on November 24 and Cyber Monday soon after.