The Association of Mutual Funds in India (Amfi) on Wednesday announced the appointment of Venkat Nageswar Chalasani as the new Chief Executive (CE). The appointment marks the end of the 6-year term of NS Venkatesh.
Prior to this role, Chalasani served as the Deputy Managing Director (DMD) at the State Bank of India (SBI), where he spent almost four decades. He also held various board positions, and has been part of panels set up by Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and Ministry of Finance, Amfi said in a press release.
Navneet Munot, chairman of Amfi, said: "We are thankful to NS Venkatesh for his dedicated service to AMFI during his two terms as the chief executive. His leadership has been instrumental in shaping the mutual fund industry. He has played a key role in getting the AMFI board and its members to take proactive industry initiatives."