Bengaluru-based Brigade Group has announced the launch of a mixed-use development, Brigade Gateway, at Neopolis, Kokapet, Hyderabad. The project’s residential component is expected to contribute Rs 3,300 crore in revenue, according to a company statement.
The project spans approximately 10 acres and is designed to be Hyderabad’s most integrated lifestyle mixed-use development. It will include a World Trade Centre, Brigade Residences, a 300-plus key Intercontinental Hotel, and a destination lifestyle mall—Brigade’s Orion Mall.
Kokapet, one of Hyderabad’s most expensive micro-markets, has witnessed significant growth. According to Anarock, the area saw an overall price appreciation of 89 per cent in the first half of 2024 (H1 2024).
Commenting on the launch, Amar Mysore, executive director of Brigade Enterprises Limited, said, “As we continue our journey in Hyderabad, our focus will remain on innovation, sustainability, and community-centric developments.”
Brigade Enterprises reported a revenue of Rs 421.50 crore for the quarter ended September 30, 2024, reflecting a 4.1 per cent decline year-on-year.