Godrej Industries, a listed entity, will be the main holding company of the Adi/ Nadir family. The unlisted Godrej & Boyce Manufacturing Company, the oldest company of the Godrej group, will be the main company of the Jamshyd Godrej and his sister Smita Godrej Crishna family. Godrej Industries holds 64.9 per cent stake in Godrej Agrovet, and 23.7 per cent stake in Godrej Consumer Products, and 47.3 per cent stake in Godrej Properties.
The Godrej group listed entities are not party to the family settlement agreement or the brand & non-compete agreement and have not undertaken any liability. The parties to the family settlement agreement and the brand & non-compete agreement consist of the promoters and/or members of the promoter group and their immediate relatives of the Godrej Industries Group companies and the Godrej & Boyce group companies. As per the settlement plan, all five listed companies will now come under the Adi/Nadir Godrej family while G&B will be managed by Jamshyd Godrej family. According to Tuesday’s closing prices, the value of Godrej family’s stake is worth Rs 1.53 trillion in the five listed companies, which have a combined market capitalisation of Rs 2.44 trillion.
The Godrej Enterprises group (GEG) comprises unlisted Godrej & Boyce (G&B) and its affiliates, which have a presence across multiple industries spanning aerospace, aviation, defence, IT, software as well as infrastructure solutions among others.