Bengaluru-based EV startup Orxa Energies inaugurated a new facility in Bengaluru on Thursday. The facility, spread across 1 acre, is located in the Bommasandra Industrial area and houses the company's research and development (R&D) unit, bike assembly stations, battery assembly lines, and a product testing centre. According to the company, the unit's capacity is ten times that of the earlier unit.
“The joint R&D and production facility will enable Orxa Energies to leverage its strong in-house engineering talent to vastly improve the vehicle tech as well as the production and assembly methods used in the Orxa motorcycles,” the company said.
The announcement comes ahead of the launch of Mantis, the company’s flagship electric performance motorcycle. It is expected to be available for bookings by the end of this year.
“The EV revolution in India is touching new heights and the ecosystem we see is growing by the year. 2023 is a critical year for us, finally, bringing the Mantis to the people. We are excited to share the engineering marvel that we have developed in-house with our engineering team,” said Ranjita Ravi, co-founder, Orxa Energies.
India is expected to reach sales volumes of 22 million electric two-wheelers (E2W) by 2030, according to a report by Redseer Strategy Consultants. Although the electrification of mobility in India is still at a nascent stage, there is massive headroom for growth, the report notes.
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Orxa Energies said its new facility has been built with a focus on sustainability. It boasts of a vehicle test track made out of recycled plastic and an eco-friendly sewage treatment plant. It has also installed EV charging stations for 2- and 4-wheelers.
“The substantial investments made towards building this facility reinforce our journey towards preparing the Mantis and other Orxa offerings for demanding customers. Over the years, we have been actively improving our product offerings, making the Mantis an equivalent to the best-in-class ICE motorcycle,” said Prajwal Sabnis, co-founder, Orxa Energies.
Orxa Energies was established in 2015 with a mission to change the perception of EVs, targeting 500-1000 kilometre-range electric motorcycles. Last year, Orxa Energies raised $5 million in a pre-series round from the SAR group which has helped the company accelerate its efforts to launch the Mantis motorcycle.