A total of Rs 363.14 crore has been released by the central government to Manipur since 2020 for implementation of projects under various schemes of the Ministry of Development of North-East Region (MDoNER) and the North Eastern Council (NEC), the ministry reported in a press release.
Of the total amount, Rs 114.99 crore was released in 2020-21; Rs 145.24 crore in 2021-22; Rs 65.18 crore in 2022-23; and Rs 37.73 crore was released during 2023-24 (up to June 2023).
The funds under the schemes of the MDoNER are not bifurcated into hills and valley areas of any of the north-eastern states, including Manipur.
According to the press release, as on June 30, utilisation certificates of Rs 4.55 crore are pending under the north east special infrastructure development scheme (NESIDS); utilisation certificates of Rs 54.59 crore are pending under the non-lapsable central pool of resources; utilisation certificates of Rs 9.46 crore are pending under the hill area development programme, as on June 30, 2023.
Up to March 31, 2023, utilisation certificates of Rs 8.36 crore are pending under schemes of the NEC and utilisation certificates of Rs 26.15 crore are pending under the north east road sector development scheme (NERSDS).
Regular meetings with the state governments/implementing agencies (IAs) are being held to monitor the progress of the projects, including pace of expenditure and utilisation of funds, the press release stated.
Onboarding of IAs on the central nodal agency system and public financial management system for real-time transfer of funds to the executing agencies is being carried out.