The Karnataka government, on Friday, allocated Rs 100 crore to turn Anjanadri hills into a tourist hotspot. The place is considered to be the birthplace of Hindu deity Hanuman.
The announcement was made during the 15th budget presentation by Congress Chief Minister Siddaramaiah, who also holds the state's finance portfolio.
"Anjanadri hill and surrounding areas of Koppal district hold mythological and historical importance. Rs 100 crore will be provided to develop tourism in these areas," Siddaramaiah said during the speech in the state Assembly.
BJP govt had also announced a plan
Notably, the previous Bharatiya Janata Party government led by Basavaraj Bommai had also made a similar announcement during the 2022 budget presentation. Bommai had drawn a plan to invest Rs 100 crore to develop the hills, located in Hampi, in the Anegondi area.
Bommai had said at the time that an invitation to tender had been put out.
Anjanadri hills named after Hanuman
The hills are named after Anjaneya, which is another name for Hanuman in Hindu mythology. According to the legend, he was born to Anjana, his mother and is named so.
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The hills are located in Karnataka’s Koppal district, which was known as Kishkinda, the kingdom of the vanaras, according to the mythology.
During the speech, Siddaramaiah also defended his government’s schemes while attacking the Bharatiya Janata Party-led Centre. He said that though this budget is a revenue deficit budget, his government has increased the budgetary allocation for welfare programmes to Rs 1.2 trillion.
"Further, I have successfully ensured fiscal consolidation by keeping the fiscal deficit within 3 per cent of GSDP and total outstanding liabilities within 25 per cent of the GSDP," he said, while expressing confidence of achieving revenue surplus after the next two years.
The state’s total budget outlay stands at Rs 3.71 trillion.
(With PTI inputs)