The Indian rupee ended 2024 at a fresh closing low of 85.61 per US dollar, slipping 0.09 per cent on Tuesday. This marked the seventh straight year of depreciation against the greenback.
After a 10 per cent fall in 2022 following the war in Europe, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) intervened to keep the rupee in a tight range, resulting in a modest 0.6 per cent decline in 2023.
Till mid-September this year, the rupee remained one of the most stable currencies.However, it came under pressure in the final quarter due to two major global developments — a US Federal Reserve interest rate cut and Donald Trump’s victory in the US presidential election.
The reserves, which touched an all-time high of $705 billion in September, ended the year at $644.4 billion. Despite the decline, India’s reserves remain the fourth-largest globally, covering 99 per cent of the country’s external debt or nearly a year of merchandise imports as of September-end.