Ahead of the Chhattisgarh Assembly elections, Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel on Sunday transferred Rs 2,055.6 crore into the accounts of beneficiaries as part of the Rajiv Gandhi Kisan Nyay Yojana (RGKNY) and other schemes.
The event was held on the birth anniversary of Rajiv Gandhi, which was observed as 'Sadbhavna Diwas' by the administration.
Around Rs 1,810 crore was transferred as the second instalment under the RGKNY; Rs 168.63 crore under the Rajiv Gandhi Bhumihin Krishi Majdoor Nyay Yojana (RGBKMNY); Rs 66.21 crore to the Rajiv Yuva Mitan clubs; Rs 9.65 crore to the beneficiaries of the Godhan Nyay Yojana; and Rs 1.11 crore under the Mukhmantri Parab Samman Nidhi Yojana.
Sonia Gandhi praises CM Bhupesh Baghel
During the event, Sonia Gandhi, in a video message, said that the Baghel government had made the dreams of Rajiv Gandhi come true by improving the living standards of all sections of society.
She said that the progress in agriculture was essential to tackle poverty in the country, and the Chhattisgarh government had taken concrete steps due to which the financial condition of farmers in the state had improved.
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Gandhi said, "There is a ray of hope in their lives and happiness in their families. I am happy that apart from government subsidies under the Rajiv Gandhi Kisan Nyay Yojana, many decisions have been taken to help the farmers of Chhattisgarh, which are an example for other states."
She added that the decisions taken by the state government has resulted in record production and a rise in farmers' income. At the same time, meaningful steps had also been taken under the RGBKMNY for agricultural labourers.
Sonia Gandhi said, "... Rajiv ji had an unbreakable attachment to the country's farmers. He had said that if the farmers become weak, then the country loses self-reliance, but if they are strong, then the country's independence also becomes strong."
Four million people out of poverty
During the event, Chief Minister Baghel said that according to a NITI Aayog report, four million people in Chhattisgarh have come out of poverty in the last five years.
"In Kabirdham, Surguja, and Dantewada, 23-25 per cent people have come out of poverty. Poverty in Raipur, Dhamtari, and Balod districts has now come down to less than 10 per cent. This is our biggest achievement," Baghel said.
He added that his government created opportunities for farmers, labourers and tribals to strengthen the rural economy.
The CM said the state government strengthened the infrastructure of education and health, besides expanding infrastructure in urban areas.
He added that paddy procurement in the state had improved, and farmers were paid on time.