Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) chief Arvind Kejriwal on Monday announced a scheme for Hindu priests and Sikh granthis, promising a monthly salary of Rs 18,000 if his party returns to power in the upcoming Delhi Assembly elections. Addressing a press conference in Delhi, Kejriwal said, "AAP will launch 'Pujari Granthi Samman Yojna' after returning to power in Delhi."
Kejriwal said that the registration for the scheme will begin on December 31 (Tuesday). "I will be visiting Hanuman Temple in Connaught Place tomorrow to start the registration of this scheme," he said.
He added, "This is happening for the first time in the country. The priest is a class that has carried forward the rituals from generation to generation. They never paid attention to their family and we never paid attention to them." The former chief minister further said, “I request the BJP not to create hurdles in the registration process. Blocking this will be akin to committing a sin as they are our bridge to God."
Earlier this month, Kejriwal announced two other schemes - Mukhyamantri Mahila Samman Yojana and Sanjeevani Yojana - ahead of the upcoming assembly elections. However, the state's Women and Child Development (WCD) department and the Health Department issued notices, stating that the schemes were "non-existent" and advised citizens against sharing personal information.
The AAP subsequently accused the BJP of pressuring some officials in the departments and promised to take action against them. On the other hand, the BJP accused AAP of fraud and argued that the party and the Delhi government were not aligned on the issue.
Delhi elections: Welfare schemes by AAP
Sanjeevani Yojana
The Sanjeevani Yojana is a free healthcare programme for residents aged 60 and above, covering medical expenses at both government and private hospitals, with no income criteria. If timely care is unavailable at government facilities, patients will be referred to private hospitals at no cost.
Mukhyamantri Mahila Samman Yojana This scheme aims to provide financial support to women from households with an annual income of less than Rs 3 lakh. Eligible women will receive Rs 1,000 per month, with the amount increasing to Rs 2,100 if the party is re-elected. The programme is available to Delhi residents who are registered voters but excludes those already receiving benefits from other social security schemes or working for the government.
Support for auto-rickshaw drivers The AAP also unveiled a welfare package for auto-rickshaw drivers, which includes life insurance coverage of Rs 10 lakh, accident insurance of Rs 5 lakh, and financial aid for daughters’ weddings and uniform expenses. The party also plans to relaunch the "PoochO" app, providing convenient access to registered auto rides.