The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Tuesday released its second list of 21 candidates for the upcoming Assembly elections in Haryana, scheduled for October 5. The party has fielded Captain Yogesh Bairagi from Julana, from where star Congress candidate and Olympian wrestler Vinesh Phogat is eyeing her political debut.
According to the BJP’s list, Manish Grovar will fight from Rohtak, Sanjay Singh from Nuh and Aizaz Khan from Punahana. In its first list, the party had named 67 candidates, replacing 40 sitting MLAs and introducing 25 new candidates. This has led to a huge internal struggle in the party, with several party leaders handing over resignations for being denied tickets. The list of rebels also included prominent leader and sitting minister Ranjit Chautala, who has now announced that he will contest as an independent candidate from his seat – Rania, in Sirsa district of Haryana.