The Election Commission of India (ECI), in a press conference on Saturday, announced the complete polling schedule for the Lok Sabha elections 2024. According to the election commission, the polling for the general elections will take place in seven phases between April 19 and June 1. Elections for the sixth will be held on May 25 in 57 constituencies. The sixth phase will cover 7 States and Union territories.
The counting of votes for all polls will done on June 4.
There are a total of 543 seats in the Lok Sabha. Of this, 412 are for general, while 84 are reserved for Scheduled caste (SC) candidates, and 47 for Scheduled tribe (ST) candidates.
Of all the states and UTs, 22 will go to polls in a single phase, four will have two poll dates, two will have three poll dates, three will have poll dates, two will have five poll dates, and three states will have seven poll dates.
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Here is everything you need to know about Phase 6 of the 2024 general elections.
Lok Sabha elections 2024 Phase 6: Key dates
Date of issue of gazette notification: April 29
Last date for candidates to submit their nominations: May 6 (Monday)
Last date for the withdrawal of candidature: May 9 (Thursday)
Date of polls: May 25 (Saturday)
Counting of votes: June 4 (Tuesday)
Lok Sabha elections 2024 Phase 6: States going to polls
Bihar: 40 seats of Bihar will go to polls over all seven phases. The sixth phase will see 8 seats go to polls on May 25.
Haryana: All 10 seats of Haryana will vote on May 25 in the sixth phase.
Jharkhand: Jharkhand's 14 seats will go to polls in four phases. The sixth phase will see 4 constituencies going to polls.
Odisha: In the 6th phase, the state will have six of its 21 seats going for polls.
Uttar Pradesh: The biggest state in terms of Lok Sabha seats will have 14 constituencies voting on May 25.
West Bengal: 7 seats of the state will vote in the sixth phase. The state will see polling in all seven phases.
NCT of Delhi: The national capital will vote on all of its seven seats on May 25.