The income of Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde saw a significant decline in the financial year 2023-24, reducing by nearly 50 per cent from the 2018-19 period. According to an affidavit filed on Monday (October 28), during his nomination submission for the upcoming assembly polls in the Kopri-Pachpakhadi constituency in Thane, Shinde’s income fell from Rs 61,00,841 in 2018-19 to Rs 34,81,135 in 2023-24. Despite this dip, the total assets held by Shinde and his wife experienced substantial growth, rising from Rs 11.56 crore in 2019 to Rs 37.68 crore in 2023-24, reflecting an increase of 225 per cent.
Shinde’s spouse recorded a rise in income as well, with her earnings increasing from Rs 9,94,096 to Rs 15,83,972 over the same period — a 59 per cent increase. Cash holdings were modest, with Shinde reporting Rs 2,600 and his wife Rs 2 lakh. They hold investments of Rs 1.44 crore and Rs 7.77 crore, respectively, and own immovable assets worth Rs 13.38 crore (for Shinde) and Rs 15.08 crore (for his wife). However, liabilities remain substantial, with Shinde reporting Rs 5.29 crore and his wife Rs 9.99 crore. In the upcoming election, Shinde will contest against Kedar Dighe from Shiv Sena (UBT), nephew of his mentor Anand Dighe.
Nominations for Maharashtra Assembly elections
On Monday (October 28), Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde, Deputy Chief Minister Ajit Pawar, and Leader of the Opposition Vijay Namdevrao Wadettiwar submitted their nominations for the November 20 assembly polls. Shinde, contesting from his stronghold of Kopri-Pachpakhadi, was accompanied by Deputy CM Devendra Fadnavis during his filing. Pawar, contesting from Baramati, faces his nephew and Nationalist Congress Party (Sharad Pawar faction) candidate, Yugendra Pawar, who chose a more subdued nomination process compared to Ajit Pawar’s large rally.
Wadettiwar, representing Congress, filed his nomination for the Brahmapuri seat and is set to contest against BJP’s Krishnalal Sahare. Other significant filings include BJP’s Sudhir Mungantiwar, aiming to retain Ballarpur, and Maharashtra Navnirman Sena chief Raj Thackeray’s son, Amit Thackeray, running from Mahim.
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The Maharashtra Legislative Assembly elections are scheduled for November 20, with results anticipated on November 23. The nomination process concludes on Tuesday (October 29), with the scrutiny of candidates set for the following day. The deadline to withdraw nominations is November 4, with voting across all 288 seats to take place in a single phase.
As of October 28, a total of 4,426 nomination papers were submitted by 3,259 candidates across the state’s constituencies, according to the Chief Election Officer. The Model Code of Conduct for the elections came into effect on October 15, and the official notification for the polls was issued on October 22.
Party candidates and alliances
The Maha Vikas Aghadi (MVA) coalition — comprising Shiv Sena (UBT), NCP (Sharad Pawar faction), and Congress — has revealed candidates for 268 seats, with Shiv Sena (UBT) and NCP (SP) fielding candidates in 84 and 82 seats, respectively.
Earlier, in a notable move, BJP spokesperson Shaina NC joined Shiv Sena and is running from the Mumbadevi constituency, previously held by Congress’ Amin Patel. Meanwhile, the high-profile Worli constituency will witness a contest between Milind Deora, supported by Mahayuti, and Shiv Sena (UBT)’s Aaditya Thackeray.
In the 2019 Maharashtra Assembly elections, the BJP secured 105 seats, followed by Shiv Sena (undivided) with 56 and Congress with 44 seats.