The suspense over the next chief minister of Maharashtra is nearing its conclusion. Late Thursday night, three central figures of the state’s ruling alliance — Devendra Fadnavis, Eknath Shinde, and Ajit Pawar — convened with Union Home Minister Amit Shah in New Delhi. The crucial meeting, stretching into the early hours, is expected to be the final step before the announcement of the new chief minister. Sources told NDTV that the decision now awaits a formal sign-off from Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
The high-stakes meeting came a day after Eknath Shinde offered to step aside and accept the BJP’s decision on the ‘top post’. Shinde, in a clear sign of support for the BJP’s leadership, declared that he would not be an ‘obstacle’ to the party’s choice for the role of Chief Minister. “I have told PM Modi that I would not be an obstacle. We would go with whatever he decides,” Shinde told reporters.
He further said, he was not “greedy for any position” and added, “No one is upset.”
Fadnavis is expected to take the top post, with Shinde indicating his willingness to accept the BJP’s decision. According to sources, the new chief minister will come from the BJP, with the party planning to appoint two deputies to balance power within the ruling coalition.
However, one of the key hurdles in naming Fadnavis has been the caste dynamics, particularly given the predominance of Maratha MLAs in the 288-member Maharashtra Assembly. Fadnavis, a Brahmin, faced backlash during his 2014 tenure for not adequately addressing Maratha demands, including reservations. The BJP is keen to address these concerns before making a final announcement. Sources also revealed that Shah had consulted senior party leader Vinod Tawde to gauge the situation and ensure that the Maratha community is not alienated.
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Adding another layer of complexity, Maratha leader Manoj Jarange-Patil, during his agitation for reservations, had criticised Fadnavis, calling him a ‘Maratha-hater’. The BJP appears to be proceeding cautiously, seeking to resolve any lingering doubts before the formal declaration.
A major question still looms: If Fadnavis is confirmed as CM, what role will Eknath Shinde play? Speculation is rife that Shinde could either serve as deputy CM in Maharashtra or take on a prominent role at the Centre. Sources within the Shiv Sena suggest he will remain a key player in the state government, likely as part of the cabinet.
The discussions with Union Home Minister Amit Shah also reportedly touched on the composition of the new Maharashtra cabinet. While the state can accommodate up to 42 ministers, sources indicated that the BJP might secure 22 ministries, the Shiv Sena 12, and Ajit Pawar’s Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) 10. Key portfolios, including the influential Home Ministry, are expected to be hotly contested, with the BJP seeking to hold onto crucial levers of power.
The final decision is expected to reflect the BJP’s dominant position after securing 132 seats in the state elections, a performance that strengthened its claim for the Chief Minister’s office.