Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao (KCR) said that his government will soon announce the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) to ensure that Telangana government employees were paid more than Central government employees, Telangana Today has reported.
Rao said that Telangana had been successful in the creation of wealth and was committed to sharing the benefits with all sections of the state. The CM further added that the government was considering many more initiatives along with expanding the scope of other welfare scheme benefits in due course, the report said.
Telangana assembly elections
Regarding the prospects of returning to power, KCR said Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) would continue in power in the state and achieve an even bigger mandate. He said that BRS' tally will improve by seven to eight seats this time, the report added. Reiterating the independent stance of the party, KCR said that BRS was no B team to any political party in the country.
Previously, as the BRS forayed into Maharashtra, NCP stalwart Sharad Pawar had called BRS a B team of the BJP.
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The BRS has operated on the agenda of development of the people of Telangana and has secular credentials. KCR has said it would maintain friendly relations with the AIMIM.
Per capita income in Telangana
As things stand, per capita income in Telangana is at Rs 3.12 lakh, which is around Rs 1 lakh more than Rs 2.19 lakh in Andhra Pradesh. In terms of per capita incomes, Telangana is doing significantly better than states like Maharashtra, Gujarat, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, and Haryana, the report said.
CM KCR said that the drinking water component of the Palamuru Ranga Reddy Lift Irrigation scheme was nearing completion, and the irrigation component of the scheme would also be completed soon, which will benefit farmers.
Upcoming elections in Telangana
The current government in Telangana assumed power on January 17, 2019, and will complete its term on January 16, 2024. The assembly elections are likely to be held in December 2023.
The state has 119 assembly seats, 17 Lok Sabha seats, and 7 Rajya Sabha seats. Telanga is among the six states that have a legislative council with 40 members. Other states with legislative councils are Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Bihar, and Uttar Pradesh.