Congress central leadership has named the Telangana Pradesh Congress Committee (TPCC) Chief and MLA from Kodangal, Revanth Reddy be the next Chief Minister of Telangana. With this, the state administration has swung into action to prepare for the grand welcome of the new chief minister, The Hindu reported.
To this end, the Chief Secretary of Telangana, Santhi Kumari, conducted a meeting with senior officials and instructed them to make elaborate arrangements for the swearing-in ceremony of the Chief Minister's designate and council of ministers. Revanth Reddy is set to take the oath of chief ministership on Thursday, December 7. The swearing-in ceremony will take place at LB Stadium.
Telangana Police has also been directed to make proper arrangements for security at the swearing-in ceremony and to take the required steps to make traffic, parking, and security apparatus smooth. Fire tenders will also be stationed at the venue to take care of a mishap, The Hindu report said.
The Municipal Administration department has been asked to make sure that cleaning, watering, and fogging of the venue is done properly. The officials have been asked to undertake the repairs of roads leading to the LB Stadium. Likewise, the health department has been alerted to make arrangements for fully equipped ambulances. The Energy Department officials were told to ensure non-stop power supply for the venue, the report said.
Telangana Assembly election results were declared on Sunday, December 3. The Congress gained a comfortable majority of 64 seats in the 119-seat Telangana Assembly, ousting the 10-year-regime of the Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) under the leadership of K Chandrashekhar Rao (KCR).