Shilpa Shirodkar's journey finally came to an end in Bigg Boss 18 on Wednesday. The actress's elimination came just days before the grand finale. Now, only six contestants remain in the Bigg Boss house: Karan Veer Mehra, Vivian Dsena, Chum Darang, Eisha Singh, Avinash Mishra, and Rajat Dalal.
Bigg Boss director Omung Kumar paid a surprise visit to the house in the latest episode, handing over the handwritten notes to all the participants from their families.
He also brought Shilpa a letter from Bigg Boss, formally declaring her eviction from the show.
Shilpa has been one of the formidable contestants this season, but unfortunately, the actress failed to find a position in the top six.
Karan Veer Mehra, Vivian Dsena and Chum Darang broke down
Shilpa Shirodkar's eviction brought tears to the eyes of all the contestants. Karan Veer Mehra, Vivian Dsena and Chum Darang broke down in tears as they bid farewell to the actress.
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Dsena regretted his actions towards Shipla, while Karan offered her the task-winning medal he owned. Bigg Boss also praised Shilpa and said, "Shilpa khup khup abhaar."
I didn't know I would get evicted: Shilpa
After elimination, Shilpa shared her thoughts and experiences in an interview and said, “We knew there was going to be a mid-week eviction, but I didn't know I would get evicted."
"You cannot be confident about anything towards the end of the show. But I had the best journey of my life; I was very unique on the show,” she added.
She also shared her prediction for the winner. She Mentioned Karan as her personal favourite followed by Chum and Vivian. "My personal favourite is Karan. I have seen him grow from being criticised to being appreciated to wanting this so badly. After Karan, it should be Chum, her growth has been unreal. Then obviously it would be Vivian" Shilpa said.
Bigg Boss 18: Top 6 contestants
Here are the remaining six contestants after the elimination of Shilpa Shirodkar:
- Karan Veer Mehra
- Vivian Dsena
- Eisha Singh
- Rajat Sharma
- Avinash Tiwari
- Chum Darang