Bollywood actress Lehar Khan may have missed the chance of sharing screen with the King Khan in Brahmastra, but she finally had her moment in Jawan. In the film, Lehar plays Kalki, one of SRK's 'girls'. Under the direction of Atlee, Lehar played an important part in the movie as she impactfully portrayed the atrocities that farmers and their families go through. She talked about how she was both excited and nervous while working with SRK in a recent interview.
Lehar Khan spoke to The Indian Express about sharing a screen with Shah Rukh Khan in Jawan. She states how her personality Kalki left a profound impact and was loved by the crowd, something that has motivated her to accomplish more great work.
Leher Khan on shooting for Jawan
Talking to the newspaper, Leher said, "I am so happy that people are not just talking about the dance, entertainment and action but also agreeing to what we wanted to say through Jawan". The actress said that she was well aware of the problems farmers faced and often felt angry and helpless. She said having an opportunity to play Kalki, who turns into the perfect representation of the issue, got peace in her heart, saying for the first time she didn't feel helpless.
“Through my work, I could give the world the reality of what these families go through. Honestly, it did take a toll on me to realise how a small amount of a few thousand pushes these farmers to take their lives. It brought anger which I utilised in my performance. I am so glad that people are now talking about it, and I hope that can help us bring some relief for them”, Lehar further stated.
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Leher on being a SRK fan
Lehar Khan revealed that her mother was more excited than she was about sharing screen time with Shah Rukh Khan. She also talked about the superstar when she was a kid and how her family was thrilled by his movie. She recalled the moment she was confirmed for the Jawan role.
When asked whether she told this to King Khan, the actor smiled to say she's very shy before him. "Also, I feel there must be 10 lakh people coming up to him saying they are his fans. There’s nothing new about it. But I am sure he could see that in my eyes when we worked together."
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Leher on working with King Khan
During the interview, Lehar shared the experience working with King Khan, and revealed that the actor had taken care of everyone during the Jawan shoot. She further said, "At heart, he is such a beautiful person. Whenever he is talking, there’s so much humility. He is also so caring, and kind and assures that everyone around him is comfortable and happy. He also has the warmest hugs to give.
She further added, “I think one is a fan of him as an actor and when they meet him, they become a fan of him as a person. Jawan was a hectic film for him as he played a double role and had to wear prosthetics, yet amid all the messy, chaotic environment, he was all out taking care of his girls, as he calls the six of us.”
Leher Khan on her turning point at Jawan
The actor expressed that regardless of whether Jawan arises as a turning moment in her profession or not, it has become a turning moment in her life. Lehar recalled her experience watching the movie at Gaiety Galaxy, where the packed theatre went quiet during Kalki's flashback. The room erupted in cheers for her as soon as she picked up the hammer.
“I couldn’t believe that I was getting such a reaction from the audience. I realised that’s the biggest joy an actor lives for. After that day, I have found a new energy to do what I do. That love is so inspiring and infectious and you’d do everything to get that in life. Something in me has changed internally and I am raring to go. It also made me imagine what Shah Rukh sir must be feeling when people cheer for him as soon as he is on screen”.
The group had last met at Mannat to praise the outcome of the film. When asked as to whether SRK had a few kind words for them, the actor mentions, "That day was all about celebration. There was a lot of dancing on Zinda Banda. I think we weren’t in the space to give feedback as it was all about pure joy as the film opened to such big numbers."