Kollam Sudhi was an actor and mimic artist in Malayalam who died in a car accident. He was 39 years old and involved in an accident on Monday morning around 4:30 a.m. when his car collided with a goods carrier. Alongside him, injuries also occurred to Binu Adimali, Ullas, and Mahesh, three other mimicry artists who were travelling with him.
As per reports, Sudhi and the mimicry specialists were making a trip back to their homes after ending an event in Vatakara. The accident resulted in Sudhi suffering a severe head injury. He died of his injuries after being rushed to a private hospital in Kodungallur. In Kodungallur, a private hospital is caring for the injured.
"It was a head-on collision. They were all taken to the hospital, but Sudhi died, and the other three are undergoing treatment", the police stated.
Kollam Sudhi: About the actor
Kollam Sudhi was known for his mimicry abilities, he won hearts, particularly by impersonating actor Jagadeesh. He reportedly gained popularity as a result of his participation in the Star Magic show. He also showed up as a guest performer in numerous comedy shows in Malayalam too.
In the 2015 film Kanthari, which was directed by Ajmal, Kollam Sudhi made his big-screen debut. After that, he is said to have appeared in a number of films, including Swargathile Katturumbu Kollam, Escape, Kuttanadan Marppappa, and Kattappanayile Rithwik Roshan. While the actor showed up in many movies, he got huge love and appreciation for his screen presence on TV itself.
Kollam Sudhi also called Sudhi, Kollam Sudi, or Sudhi Chetta is an Actor from India. He was born on 01st January 1984 (aged 37 years) in Kollam, Kerala, India.