Bollywood actor Alia Bhatt's appearance at the current year's Met Gala in a stunning Sabyasachi saree has dazzled the internet. The actor walked the red carpet in a mint green saree with a long pallu-train, which added an additional allure. Fans quickly praised the actor's appearance and bestowed her with the title of the "best dressed" celebrity after the pictures were shared.
Alia's unexpected presence at Met Gala 2024 pleased the netizens, while her chosen look has turned into the object of obsession. A saree on the international red carpet never fails to dazzle the audience, and Alia Bhatt's outfit is no exception. A few X users shared their takes on the wonderful outfit worn by the actor.
Alia Bhatt on Met Gala 2024: Insight on outfit
Alia Bhatt gets back to the Met Gala's carpet with a Sabyasachi saree and it's her second time at the renowned costume show, she has made it her home. Alia Bhatt looks stunning in a sheer saree to honor the dress code for "The Garden of Time," and she loves having the spotlight right on top of her.
The sheer saree with floral designs adds the garden element picked directly from the theme of the year. The 3D flowers against the delicate sheer texture make a fine example of a contrasting texture play to spring this garden to life. The green saree was at that point a masterpiece but the long veil with a train might require a different table at the display. The expansion of a reconsidered butterfly blouse with ruffled sleeves is a reward.
Alia Bhatt’s statement on Met Gala 2024
Alia shared the images of her appearance on her official social media handles and wrote, “It was a call to the Garden of Time- an ode to art and eternity. Timelessness is endless, and we acknowledge that things crafted with time and care, can last forever. In our journey for an Indian interpretation of this universal theme, the outfit took on a life of its own."
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"Nothing embodies tradition and innovation like the saree; in the skilled hands of #SabyasachiMukherjee, this vision found its fullest expression. We looked to the past as a guide for the future, drawing inspiration from the timeless sophistication of Indian nobility. We focused on intricate craftsmanship, incorporating hand embroidery, precious stones, along with elegant beadwork and fringes, distinctive of the 1920’s fringe style. Our colour palette pays homage to nature's beauty, echoing the earth, sky, and sea," she further added.
When she was asked about the duration of the saree making, she stated, “This is all hand embroidery. It took 1905 man hours and 163 craftsmen, embroidery workers to make this garment. It's taken a lot of love and labour, a lot of effort and anything that's gotten love and time lasts forever."
Reactions of the netizens on the Alia Bhatt’s Met Gala 2024
• One user wrote, “Literally Goddess"
• Another stated, “You are a killer!!"
• Another stated, “Alia Bhatt effortlessly nailed the theme at the #MetGala tonight, showcasing how it's done!! Her impeccable style easily secured her the title of best dressed, hands down"
• Some others mentioned, “Truly the best dressed of the night girlie is slaying like no one else & now trending worldwide at no.8!!!"