The south Indian actor, Mohanlal Viswanathan recently graced the prestigious Wimbledon tournament in a formal blue suit. He took to his social media pages to share some photographs from the occasion. Mohanlal's presence at Wimbledon has undoubtedly attracted the attention of both enthusiasts and fans due to his outstanding acting skills and versatility.
— Mohanlal (@Mohanlal) July 13, 2023
Mohanlal at Wimbledon 2023: Insight
Mohanlal last appeared in Shaji Kalias' "Alone," which was a huge disappointment. Barroz, his upcoming directorial project, is currently in production. On July 13, Mohanlal was seen watching a tennis match with his companions in London. He took to Twitter to share a series of photographs with the caption, "Wimbledon (sic)," alongside a heart-eye and tennis ball emoticons. He watched the semi-last match between Ukraine's Elina Svitolana and Marketa Vondrosova.
Wimbledon, regarded by many as the most prestigious tennis championships, draws in top players and VIPs from different backgrounds. Mohanlal recently declared that he and Jeethu Joseph will be working on a movie. It is not a second part of Drishyam, instead a new script. He is currently working on nearly half a dozen films. Malaikottai Vaaliban will be his next movie.
The superstar will create his first time at the directorial with Barroz: Guardian of D'Gama's Treasure. Apart from these, he has Vrushabha, Ram: Part 1, and Olavum Theeravum.