Tollywood actor Nagarjuna issued an apology after the video of his bodyguard pushing a disabled fan away went viral. The incident took place at the airport where Nagarjuna was seen walking out of the cafe accompanied by his bodyguard. Actor Dhanush was also next to him. The video of the incident was shared by Paparazzo and has invited huge backlash from the netizens.
Nagarjuna's bodyguard pushes actor's fan
Where has humanity gone? #nagarjuna
— Viral Bhayani (@viralbhayani77) June 23, 2024
Nagarjuna apologises for the incident
The incident went viral in no time as X handle titled ‘Viral Bhayani’ shared the video on the platform with a caption that reads, "Where has humanity gone? #nagarjuna." However, the actor also shared a note on X apologising to the gentleman, and wrote, "This just came to my notice … this shouldn’t have happened!! I apologise to the gentleman (folded hands emoji) and will take necessary precautions that it will not happen in the future !!"
How do fans react?
As soon as the video went viral, the social media users started targeting Nagarjuna for his rude behaviour.
One of the X users wrote, "Hey @iamnagarjuna This is wrong at so many levels. It's important to show respect to everyone."
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While another user wrote, "It's important to show respect to everyone, regardless of their age. Let's maintain a positive and professional environment. Must be a reply video will come."
"#Nagarjuna is the most arrogant actor in Tollywood. Not many people know what he did with actress Tabu. Also he owned a Cafe where only people with car were allowed," a third user wrote.