Bharti Airtel has introduced three new prepaid data plans priced at Rs 161, Rs 181 and Rs 351. The plans act as data vouchers without additional service validity, marking a strategic effort by the company to improve user experience amid intensifying competition.
About Airtel new plans
The Rs 161 plan offers 12 GB of data for 30 days with no daily usage cap, costing approximately Rs 13 per GB. Users will need to have an active base prepaid plan to use this data.
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The Rs 181 plan provides 15 GB of data for 30 days without a daily limit, averaging around Rs 12 per GB. It also includes access to over 22 OTT (over-the-top) benefits through Airtel Xstream Play
The Rs 361 plan gives 50GB of data for 30 days with no daily restrictions, bringing the cost down to roughly Rs 7 per GB.
The Rs 77 plan has been updated to provide 5 GB of data for seven days, making it more attractive for users seeking short-term data options.
The Rs 121 plan has been revised, now offering 6 GB of data with a 30-day validity.
For small data uses Rs 26 has been, which offers 1.5GB of data with a validity of just one day.
Vodafone Idea has also made changes in its plan, here are details:
The Vodafone Idea Rs 479 prepaid plan, which initially offered 56 days of validity, has been reduced to 48 days. This plan includes 1 GB of data per day, 100 text messages daily, and unlimited voice calls.
The Rs 666 prepaid plan, which comes with Vi Hero benefits, has seen its validity decrease from 77 days to 64 days.