The Gautam Buddh Nagar Police has announced the enforcement of restrictions under CrPC Section 144, including a ban on unauthorised public assemblies, across the district in anticipation of the Bharat Bandh called by farmers' unions on Friday.
"Various programmes like protest demonstrations are proposed by SKM and various organisations for Friday. Hence, Section 144 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC) is implemented on February 16," the police said in a statement.
What is the Bharat Bandh protest?
The protest, organised by 37 farmers' groups under the Samyukt Kisan Morcha, aims to address several unmet demands of farmers, particularly in support of the 'Delhi Chalo' agitation.
The Bharat Bandh has been called to support the demands of farmers, including the enactment of a law guaranteeing minimum support price (MSP) for crops. The protest is expected to affect rural areas in Punjab, Haryana, western Uttar Pradesh, and parts of Rajasthan, with potential disruptions to highway traffic.
Traffic advisory for Delhi
Key routes in Delhi, especially the Singhu, Tikri, and Ghazipur borders, are likely to experience traffic congestion due to the farmers' march towards the national capital.
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Commuters are advised to avoid these areas, as multiple layers of barricades have been placed by the police.
Traffic advisory for Noida
Commuters travelling to and from Delhi via Noida are advised to consider alternative modes of transportation, such as the Metro rail service, to minimise inconvenience. Intensive checking and barriers will be installed on all borders of Noida and Delhi, leading to potential traffic diversions.
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Goods vehicles will face restrictions on specific routes, and drivers are encouraged to use alternative routes to reach their destinations.
Recommended routes
For vehicles travelling from the 130-metre road towards Pari Chowk via Depot Roundabout, alternative routes include Supertech Roundabout, Honda CL Chowk via P-03 Roundabout, and IFS Villa Roundabout.
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Similarly, vehicles travelling via the Noida-Greater Noida Expressway can use alternative routes via Knowledge Park/Expomart Roundabout and Hindon Cut/Galgotia Cut.
Other restrictions
Unlawful gatherings of four or more people have been restricted, along with unauthorised processions or demonstrations. This includes political or religious gatherings.
The order has also barred the use of private drones within 1km of government establishments.
People are also banned from carrying any sticks, rods, tridents, swords, firearms and the likes in public spaces.
(With agency inputs)