The CBI on Friday conducted raids at the residences of two Trinamool Congress leaders at Kathi in Purba Medinipur district of West Bengal in connection with its ongoing investigation into the killing of a BJP worker in post-poll violence in 2021, an officer said.
A team of CBI officers raided the houses of Kathi Block no 3 TMC leader Debabrata Panda and another block president Nandadulal Maiti in the early hours of Friday in connection with its ongoing investigation, he said.
"Panda, Nandadulal's son and 52 others have been named in the FIR lodged in connection with the murder of Janmejay Dolui," the CBI officer told PTI.
Dolui, a BJP worker, was killed in post-poll violence following the 2021 assembly election.
The CBI officer said that 30 people were summoned for questioning in connection with the matter but none turned up.
"We are conducting raids at places associated with these people. We need to question them," he said.
(Only the headline and picture of this report may have been reworked by the Business Standard staff; the rest of the content is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)