Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Saturday warned the officials against any laxity or negligence in resolving the issues of people and emphasized that addressing the problems of the people and ensuring its prompt, transparent and satisfactory disposal is his government's priority.
Adityanath issued these instructions to the officials while hearing the problems of around 500 people at the Janta Darshan held outside the Mahant Digvijaynath Smriti Bhawan in Gorakhnath temple complex here, the Uttar Pradesh government said in a statement.
Referring to the people's applications to the concerned authorities, Adityanath instructed for prompt disposal of all their issues.
He assured the people that no injustice would be done to anyone during his tenure and underscored the government's determination to solve the problems of every victim.
The chief minister also instructed the officials to take strict legal action against those bullying the poor and encroaching on the people's lands.
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Adityanath assured the government's support to those seeking financial aid for treatment.
He forwarded their applications to the concerned officials and directed them to expedite the cost estimation process and submit it to the government at the earliest.
The chief minister also directed the officials to resolve matters related to the revenue and police with complete transparency and impartiality, emphasizing that no injustice to anyone should be tolerated.
Every individual affected should be assisted with compassion and sensitivity, he said.
(Only the headline and picture of this report may have been reworked by the Business Standard staff; the rest of the content is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)