Cold weather conditions persisted in Delhi on Tuesday after parts of the city experienced rainfall and dense fog yesterday. The city faced chilly winds and dense fog, disrupting daily life. A strong cold wave continued in North India, with light to moderate rainfall likely in the northeastern regions of the country.
Delhi weather conditions today
Delhi is expected to have a minimum temperature of 8 degrees Celsius and a maximum of 19 degrees Celsius, according to the India Meteorological Department (IMD). The relative humidity currently stands at 41 per cent, with wind speeds of 41 km/h. While the sky remains clear, visibility is reduced due to fog.
IMD issues warnings
The IMD has issued warnings for cold to severe cold day conditions from January 6 to 8. A yellow alert has been issued for very dense fog in the National Capital Region (NCR).
Thunderstorms with rainfall and hailstorms are expected in isolated pockets of Assam, Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh, and Meghalaya. Fishermen have been advised to avoid venturing into the southwest Arabian Sea.
Snowfall continues in Kashmir
The Kashmir Valley has been experiencing a cold spell over the past 24 hours, with temperatures dropping below freezing in many areas. Widespread snowfall has disrupted normal life. According to the latest weather report, higher reaches of North Kashmir received significant snowfall, with Gulmarg and Gurez recording nearly 15 inches of wet snow. Some higher altitudes in the region reported accumulations of up to two feet.
Delhi weather forecast for tomorrow
According to the IMD, Delhi is projected to have a minimum temperature of 12.87 degrees Celsius and a maximum of 21.83 degrees Celsius tomorrow, January 8.