The Tamil Nadu government has issued a flood warning in Cuddalore, following the release of excess water from Veeranam Lake. This reservoir, situated 235 km from Chennai and a key water source for the city, is now overflowing. With Cyclone Fengal’s heavy rains exacerbating the situation, nearby areas face the threat of severe flooding.
Cyclone Fengal made landfall near Puducherry on November 30 and has weakened into a deep depression. But its aftermath continues to cause significant disruption in Tamil Nadu and the Union territory. The cyclone brought relentless rainfall, flooding, and infrastructural damage, leading to large-scale evacuations and emergency responses.
Cyclone Fengal weakens, but heavy rainfall continues in TN, Puducherry
Rainfall, flooding in TN and Puducherry
Puducherry has been devastated by the cyclone’s torrential downpours. The Indian Army was deployed to rescue stranded residents. Officials reported that 200 people, including those in the Krishna Nagar neighbourhood, were safely evacuated.
Residents stated that the natural disaster is the worst witnessed in the UT in over 30 years.
In Tamil Nadu, Villupuram district experienced record-breaking rainfall, which Chief Minister M K Stalin dubbed as ‘unprecedented’. The extended rainfall caused widespread flooding, with rescue teams working to clear blocked roads and restore services.
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Travel disruptions
Operations at Chennai International Airport resumed after a suspension, but delays and cancellations affected passengers. Train services between Villupuram and Chennai were also cancelled, leaving travellers stranded at Villupuram station.
Elsewhere, fishermen in Thoothukudi have resumed their activities after a six-day suspension due to the cyclone.
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Cyclone Fengal weakens
The India Meteorological Department confirmed that Cyclone Fengal has now weakened into a deep depression, centred approximately 30 km north of Cuddalore and 40 km east of Villupuram. It is expected to weaken further as it moves westward over north Tamil Nadu in the coming hours.
In a post on social media platform X, the weather department said, “The Depression (Remnant of Cyclonic Storm ‘FENGAL’) over north coastal Tamil Nadu & Puducherry moved nearly westwards and weakened into a Well Marked Low Pressure Area at 0530 hrs IST of today, the 02nd December 2024, over North Interior Tamil Nadu. The remnant low-pressure area is likely to emerge over southeast and adjoining east-central Arabian Sea off north Kerala-Karnataka coasts around 3rd December 2024.”
Meanwhile, the Tamil Nadu government has announced plans to seek central assistance for a detailed damage assessment in the worst-hit districts of Villupuram, Cuddalore, and Chengalpet.
[With inputs from PTI]