A Delhi court has summoned Bollywood actor Dharmendra and two others in connection with a cheating case relating to the Garam Dharam Dhaba franchise and asked them to appear before it on February 20, 2025.
The judicial magistrate issued the summons against the 89-year-old actor on a complaint filed by Delhi businessman, Sushil Kumar. According to the businessman's lawyer, Kumar was lured into investing in the franchise.
In the order passed on December 5, the judge said, “The evidence on record prima facie indicates that the accused persons induced the complainant in furtherance of their common intent and the ingredients of offence of cheating are duly disclosed.”
The judge noted that the documents on record pertained to Garam Dharam Dhaba and the letter of intent also had the logo of Garam Dharam franchise.
"It is fairly apparent that the transaction between the parties pertains to Garam Dharam Dhaba and was being pursued by the co-accused on behalf of accused Dharam Singh Deol," the court noted.
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What did the complainant say?
According to Kumar, the complainant, he was approached by two people in April 2018 on behalf of Dharam Singh Deol (Dharmendra). He claimed that they offered him to open a franchise of Garam Dharam Dhaba on NH-24/NH-9 in Uttar Pradesh.
In September 2018, Kumar claimed that he handed over a cheque for an amount of Rs 17.70 lakh to the accused. However, they stopped responding to him thereafter, he alleged.
About Garam Dharam Dhaba
The Garam Dharam Dhaba franchise was launched in February 2018 by entrepreneurs Umang Tewari and Mickey Mehta, in partnership with Dharmendra. The flagship outlet of the franchise, inspired from Dharmendra's on-screen persona, was inaugurated by the actor himself in Haryana's Murthal six years ago.